ליאור סושרד - Lior Suchard
ליאור סושרד מרתק את הקהל

Which Traits and Talents Should we Look for in a Host?

Today, we’ll explain and discover which traits, skills, and capabilities are essential for an excellent, professional event host – what is known as the art of hosting.

Choosing the right event host can definitely make or break the success of an event or conference. Far more than an “announcer” who holds a microphone and explains what is going to happen and who will be speaking next, a professional, skilled emcee is the heart of the event, masterfully taking charge of the progress, speaking, enchanting, and causing the audience to be active participants.

If you ever saw or attended an event hosted by the master mentalist and successful international entertainer Lior Suchard, you already have a good idea of how a recommended, precise event host behaves and conducts an event. Let’s dive into the subject and see what you practically need to look for in an event host.

Charisma and stage presence

Conquering charisma

A great, original event host needs to have attractive, clear, and powerful charisma, the kind that causes the audience to remain alert and active, charisma that creates a bold yet fun presence that attracts the right amount of attention to forge a real connection with the audience. This is the type of charisma that, when you encounter or experience it, you just know that it’s the real deal!

Confident stage presence

The host of a conference or event needs to be capable of controlling and managing the stage with confidence and positivity, to set the tone and the atmosphere of an unforgettable event.

Ability to improvise and dynamic responses

Quick thinking

An event or conference host needs to have a quick and flexible brain that enables them to improvise smoothly and in a flowing manner, for example in response to unplanned incidents and to the changing dynamics of the event.


Your host needs to be adaptable and change according to the situation, quickly and in real time, while still keeping the event calm and smooth-flowing.

A forceful, leading, clear voice

The emcee also needs to sound good and have the tone of voice of a leader, clear and forceful in the right proportions so that the audience feel confident and want to interact with the host. Combined with the charisma, stage skills, and improvisation techniques, this makes the host powerful and impressive, lifting your event to new heights.

The toolbox of an excellent conference and event host

  • The ability to multitask effectively and in a manner that seems effortless – for example, hosting the event, answering surprising questions, and sticking to the schedule of the event.
  • Humor and great entertainment skills are some of the host’s most important tools. Humor requires forging a connection with the audience, keeping them alert and involved, regaining their focus in relevant situations, and of course supplying them with a fun and entertaining experience that will make the event stand out and be unforgettable. As can be seen at the events hosted by Lior Suchard, he integrates the fact that he is an experienced performer and a phenomenal entertainer with more formal hosting talents, and the result is full of charisma, highly enjoyable, original, and unique on the event and conference scene.
  • Calm and strong under pressure – hosting an exclusive boutique event or an important professional conference is a responsibility that comes with a lot of pressure, demands, and tight schedules, and it is necessary to be precise at all times. Your host needs to rise above all of this and radiate calmness, strength, and control over the situation, even under pressure.

In conclusion:

The ideal event host is much more than someone who presents the order of the speakers or the stages and components of the event. The host creates the entertainment experience that the audience feels and undergoes. From charisma and improvisation skills, to high-level entertainment and stage capabilities, the traits and talents described here create the basis for an exceptional, quality conference and event host.

When you look for a host for your next event, remember that it is much more than just finding someone to hold the microphone and speak clearly on stage. Rather, choose an entertainer and storyteller who can breathe so much life into any event or gathering. A host who makes meaningful, positive memories for your audience.

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