ליאור סושרד - Lior Suchard
ליאור סושרד - מנטליסט

Uri Geller’s Successor

The name “Uri Geller” is without doubt, a famous name in the world of mentalism globally. Geller is undeniably one of the performing artists who sowed the seeds of a field that today is experiencing unprecedented growth and popularity.  Lior Suchard, is now the unquestionable leader in the world of mentalism. An amazing mentalist and performer who for years has astounded and astonished audiences all over the world, Lior’s career began when he won first place in the TV show, “The Successor”, which was a huge hit back in 2006.

What makes Lior Suchard Uri Geller’s heir?

Lior Suchard is often considered to be Uri Geller’s heir. In fact, this title can be said to be “official”, as Lior won a TV show to find a mentalist and sensory performer to be Uri Geller’s heir.

But, even without the TV show’s success, Lior is considered, both by viewers and those in the entertainment industry, as Uri Geller’s successor. This can be seen by his huge success and fame and also because Lior has brought mentalism into the modern world where everything is more complicated, more awe-inspiring more unbelievable and more entertaining and enjoyable.

The 2006 TV show “The Successor” included mentalists and sensory artists who, over a period of weeks, performed a variety of mentalist feats on stage and before participating celebrities. Uri Geller himself was one of the show’s judges. Lior Suchard stood out from start to finish and especially in the grand final, where he beat two other competitors winning the most votes as Uri Geller’s successor.

Since winning the title, Lior’s career has advanced by leaps and bounds as he constantly achieves new heights, not only in Israel but also internationally. Today Lior Suchard is THE face of that sector of the entertainment industry we call mentalism and is now an internationally acclaimed entertainer in his own right.

Suchard revolutionized mentalism while honoring Geller’s work

Lior Suchard is, without a doubt,  one of the artists that have brought the art of mentalism to the heights it enjoys today in terms of public and media recognition and popularity. He has done this in a way that is worthy and respectful of the field’s heritage, to which Uri Geller has contributed so much.

Geller’s work from the early 1970s to the early 2000’s certainly increased awareness of sensory art and mentalism, bringing to the world a new form of original and exciting entertainment. This can be seen by the phenomenal success Geller enjoyed around the world, in an era before the internet and social media.

But while Geller performed acts that revolved around claims of supernatural powers such as bending cutlery, influencing objects, and so on, Suchard brings mentalism into the modern age with impressive, incredible, breathtaking, clever, and, of course, entertaining shows – all wrapped up with lots of humor.

Suchard mentalism shows include a combination of many techniques from the worlds of science, psychology, non-verbal and verbal communication, suggestion, body language, influencing thoughts, and more. His skill gives the audience an amazing show that keeps them on the edge of their seats with unbelievable acts of mentalism even though they know there are no supernatural forces or trickery involved. Each show is undeniably an unforgettable experience, unlike any other, you have ever seen. What more would you expect from Uri Geller’s successor?

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